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Sir, We Wish To See Jesus

Shortly after the ‘triumphal entry’ into Jerusalem, a request made its way to Jesus from an unexpected quarter. Recalling this, the apostle John wrote: Now

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Our lives are made of both cycles and seasons, with some, more obvious than others. For those who have ever owned a new car –

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John Considered

John the Apostle intrigues me! John was little more than a teen-ager when he became a disciple of Jesus, becoming one of the first to

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I once had a friend who always seemed to be involved in building projects. For many years he renovated houses, tinkered with improvements, and did

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In the Mirror

Looking in mirrors is nothing new and some people spend too much time doing it. Checking and rechecking their appearance, they hope to make the

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I enjoy reading Christian fiction and especially those with a western theme. I did after all, grow up watching Saturday afternoon cowboy shows. One book

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How Doc Brown Got Upstairs

If you lived during the fifties and if you happened to be hooked on country music, in all probability you became familiar with an old

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Life With Goats

I enjoy having a few goats on the farm. They are entertaining. It is fun watching the young ones run, jump and twist in the

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