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Jesus Heads to Jerusalem

We recognize Matthew, Mark and Luke as the Synoptic Gospels. These messages have a greater concentration of similar content. As you go through Luke however,

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In the same breath, Peter spoke of fervency in Christian love, and gracious hospitality (1 Pet.4:8-9). He wrote at a time when brethren found themselves

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I Have Made You a Watchman

The first three chapters of Ezekiel record God’s interactions with Ezekiel at the outset of his prophetic ministry. God does not pull any punches when

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What Colour is a Soul?

“And He made from one (one man, one blood), every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their

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Jesus the Eternal King

God often uses negative situations to bring about great good. This is perhaps best seen in Jesus’ crucifixion, where the death of the Son of

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