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Blessings Amid Adversity

In the 3 years leading up to the pandemic, household savings rates in Canada bounced between 1.3% and 3.6%. As the Canadian economy began to

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The Pendulum

My in-laws had a grandfather clock complete with gears, chains, weights and pendulum. No matter how many times the weights were reset and the clock

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Perseverance Has Landed

At 7:50 AM, EST July 30, 2020, a spacecraft carrying the ‘Perseverance rover’ and its ‘Ingenuity helicopter’ lifted off from Cape Canaveral Florida. It soon

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New Year Resolutions

Several decades ago a missionary home on furlough stood up to address the congregation. We were expecting good news about the work abroad and perhaps

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God’s Spirit Within

The scriptures end with imagery very similar to the beginning. When the world was new and people were pure, God was there with them. Food

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Matters of Conscience

In the ‘Sermon on the Mount’1, Jesus assumed that his disciples would follow his example. In order to do so it was necessary for them

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