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Of Godhead and Gender

In 1980 Francis Shaeffer and J. P. Moreland published a book entitled “He Is There and He Is Not Silent”. The title of that work

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When God Hardens Hearts

The nature of God is revealed in scripture in a variety of ways. It is affirmed in explicit statements about his character and is detectable

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The Price of Repentance

Leviticus 6:1-7 One of the great privileges that God has granted, is the personal right to become owners. Early in life we aquire things that

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Yes and No

In order to be like our heavenly Father, Jesus teaches us to tell the truth and to keep our promises (Mt. 5:37). The words yes

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Now Faith Is – Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11 is sometimes called “God’s honour roll”. It is filled with extraordinary people who lived by faith and did all manner of amazing things.

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Discipled, but not Saved

Strictly speaking, a disciple is someone who follows another, learns from them, emulates their behaviour while adopting their values and trusting their leadership. The goal

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