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Meaning in a Meaningless World

Text: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 Non-Christian worldviews common in Canadian society are either behind the scenes or in your face. Their veracity is taken for granted, even

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Paris and the Church

By Michael Mazzalongo In a marvelous book entitled “How Paris Became Paris” by author Joan DeJean, the author explains the unique concept that guided the

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Loud Budgeting

Loud budgeting is a recent trend on Tik-Tok. It is a strategy to get your fiscal house in order, by setting a budget and telling

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Wisdom For A New Year

The Search for Wisdom – Ecclesiastes 7:23-8:13 Reading our way through Ecclesiastes, its hard not to be impressed by Solomon’s persistence. He was not on

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Our Recently Departed

Canadian sociologist Reginald Bibby has for decades been documenting the downward trend of attendance among churches in Canada that identify as ‘Christian’1. Religious ‘affiliation’ has

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Abraham Believed God

Anyone reading the high-level summary of the life of Abraham in Romans 4 would never guess that the ‘father of the faithful’ did not always

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