There is a direct connection between a Christian’s worship and a Christian’s testimony or lifestyle. Jesus said “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16 NLT)
Christians live and worship before a watching world. When the church began in Jerusalem, they met and worshipped daily at the Temple. The also met in homes, where they shared their food with each other and partook of the Lord’s Supper. They were joyful and generous, praising God in public and private while enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:46-47 NLT)
When things are going your way: when God blesses you with healthy children, marital harmony, an excellent job,and good health, people will think – well no wonder they ‘go to church’. But when tragedy strikes: when your job fails, your marriage founders, your health declines and friends are nowhere to be found, what then? What will they think when you seek God more earnestly, pray without ceasing, thank Him for his steadfast love and worship from the heart? Perhaps that God really is good and that you are serious about your faith.

When we meet for worship, the things that we do and say tell people a lot about who we are as the Lord’s church. When nonbelievers attend, they are checking things out and taking it all in. What kind of person are you to the people sitting nearby? Are you a Christian or not? It may be their first time, and hopefully not their last. Will they find us worshipping from the heart? Will they read in their bibles what they observe in our assembly? Will they learn about God and his plan of salvation? Will they find God at work among us and through us? One way or another, the conclusions that they draw will depend on what they hear and see.
All of that may seem like a lot of pressure! That’s not my intent. This is just a reminder that the world is watching. Some do not believe in Jesus and others who do are not yet Christians. What they see in us and hear from us is so very important.
May we truly worship both inside the church building and outside too. Let us let our light shine in a way that attracts others to our Lord, for the light within us is actually Him?
Port Colborne