A Year of Learning

Written on: May 10, 2021

Article by: Harold Bruggen

Several months ago now, our nation and our communities literally came to a screeching halt. Reaction to the Corona virus has been worldwide and life changing. We were caught off-guard and faced with new challenges in the workplace, in society, in our homes and in the church. Yet we have found ways to keep on living and working during a ‘shutdown’ that was only supposed to be ‘temporary’.

In order to learn from what we have been through, we might ask ourselves:

  • Where have we been…and why?
  • Where are we now and what have we learned?
  • Where are we going and what steps are we taking to get there?

While obstacles are challenging, we may grow by overcoming them and looking for the lessons to be learned from them.

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What are some of the good things that Christians have learned during this time?

  • The church is resilient, able by God’s strength to meet every circumstance in life (Matthew 16:18).
  • The Gospel cannot be constrained – even by sickness (Matthew 28:16-20).
  • Assembling remains important, even when done virtually (Hebrews 10:25).
  • Our spiritual health is of first importance. (John 4:23-24).
  • There is strength in unity, even in the face of disagreement (Ephesians 4:1-6).
  • We are still responsible for ministering to those who are spiritually weak (Luke 15:1-4).

The challenges and hardships of this past year have been an opportunity to grow and to serve others. And when these present trials are behind us, others will surely take their place. May we therefore never allow any obstacle to stand between us and the place that our Lord is preparing for us and for which which our Lord is preparing us. (Revelation 21 and 22).

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