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Bible Study Resources


Psalm 44 Few preachers choose to preach from Psalm 44. It is covered only by those who set out to preach through the whole book. Topical preachers and hopscotch preachers skip it. It is too difficult. Not only is the topic difficult, but the difficulties raised are not resolved. That may be realistic in terms of how life really works,

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Bible Study Resources

As the Deer

Psalm 42-431 At times biblical preaching is little more than holding up a candle so that people will admire the sun. Here are the words of one in considerable distress of soul. Yet, in this distress he pens words of comfort and inspiration that speak across the centuries. This Psalm is about the desire for God. Sadly, too few Christians

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General Articles

Who Are We Really?

In 2021, two men born on March 9, 1952 at a hospital in Sault Ste Marie Ontario, discovered through DNA testing that they were not who they thought that they were. The babies were kept in a separate nursery and only brought to their mothers for short visits, before being sent home with the wrong families. They grew up living

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General Articles

Simple is Enough

Sometimes, we Christians can make prayer difficult. We read the Psalms or some of the great prayers of scripture, and beside these majestic compositions, our own prayers can feel inadequate; we may even feel as if we should not bother praying until we have something comparably worthy to say. We are, after all, going before the God of the universe

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General Articles

“Each of us shall give account of himself to God”

Romans 14:12 I am responsible to God for my behavior. You are responsible to God for your behavior. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). Because we have the ability to choose,

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General Articles

The Outsiders

About ten years ago my wife Shannon and I travelled to San Antonio, Texas, and during that trip we toured a few of the historic Catholic Missions that are still standing. This included The Alamo, which was not a fort as some might guess but a Mission that became the site of a famous battle during the Texas Revolution against

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Monthly Editorial

Advice for Worship and Daily Living

Ecclesiastes 5-1-6, 7:1-14 Solomon’s life was governed by the statutes and ordinances of the covenant that God made with Israel but which no longer apply. What we are interested in are Biblical principles that bridge the covenants …and remain true. Ecclesiastes 5:1-6 begins with matters of worship and the admonition to “guard your steps as you go to the house

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General Articles


The prophet Daniel lived in two difficult societies: first at home in a morally decaying Jerusalem, and then for the rest of his life in the more severe Babylonian/Persian cultures ruled by idolatrous kings. Yet he managed to stay faithful to God and was respected by all who called upon him for advice and direction. One can’t think of Daniel

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General Articles

Blinded By Unbelief

“And Jesus went out from there, and He came into His hometown; and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue; and the many listeners were astonished, saying, ‘Where did this man get these things, and what is this wisdom given to Him, and such miracles as these performed by His

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Bible Study Resources

Three Simple Truths

Psalm 41 When the New Testament says that something in Jesus’ life “fulfilled” a statement in the Old Testament, we tend to assume that the Old Testament statement was a prediction of Jesus. In some cases, this is correct, but in several cases it is not correct. In many cases Jesus fulfilled a statement that was not a specific prediction

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Bible Study Resources

The Essence of the True Faith

Psalm 40 What is the essence and focus of religion? For many people it is ourselves, what we do either ceremonially or morally. But surely God should be at the focal point of faith. This Psalm weaves together three themes of faith. Together they put man and God in the proper relation to each other. Let us note them well.

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Bible Study Resources

“Deliver Me from my Transgressions”

Psalm 39 This not an easy passage to understand. We cannot expect that the deepest thoughts will always be clothed in simple language that we will understand on the first reading. The problem dealt with here is much the same as in Psalms 37, 73, and in Job – the problem of triumphant evil. The Psalm opens with no introduction.

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