I watched a video recently that popped up on YouTube entitled, “This has become common in Christianity and it needs to stop.” This title intrigued me so I clicked on it and watched and I was glad I did because it gave a quick example on our decisions as Christians in this world. The video was like a parable and it went like this:
A man woke up in a field and the field was beautiful to see. It had vibrant green grass, colorful flowers and along one side, mature tress with different types of ripe fruit. The sky was a calm blue with billowy white clouds pushed along by a gentle breeze.
The man walked along admiring the tranquil field when he realized that there was fence on his left side that traversed the whole field and there was a being leaning on the other side of the fence. He looked closer and saw it was Satan. Satan was calling him over saying, “C’mon over to this side of the fence and you can do all those things you like to do in the world.” Then the man looked to his right and he saw God standing there watching and God said, “Come to me and stay on this side of the fence.”

So the man stood there for a moment and thought, “Well, there are those things I like to do on the other side of the fence but it is pretty good here too.” So the man replied to both God and Satan, “I have to think about this for a while so I am just going to sit on top of this fence to make a decision.” So the man walked over to the fence and hopped on top to consider his options and after a short time everything suddenly went black, pitch black. A cold hand came out of the darkness and put a vice like grip on his arm and the man realized that it was Satan who was hurrying him up…saying “Okay, let’s go. It’s time.”
The man instantly protested shouting, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn’t choose your side, I was still thinking about it!” And Satan looked at him and said plainly, “Yes, but I own the fence.”
It turns out that sitting on the fence is not an option. It divides a sinful life from a godly one. But the fence is not a place where anyone can live.
Not only that, but every Christian deals with different types of sin. Those who became Christians later in life bring with them the baggage of past sinful decisions and lifestyles. Those who made the decision early on, may feel that they have missed out.
Satan does not give up on us, just because we belong to Jesus. But then, neither does God, and especially not once we belong to Him.
In order to choose God’s way, we must fully die to sin, in order to be completely clothed with Christ. In that way, we are comforted and blessed in this life and inherit eternal life in the one to come.