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James 3 James has provided us with one of the Bible’s great chapters about the blessings the human tongue can give and the troubles it

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A Well-Tempered Faith

James 1:2-4 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith

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Worship: The Gift We Offer

Leviticus 1:1–9 Part 1 (Editor’s note: Bobby gave this excellent lesson for the Karns church of Christ in Tennessee November 18, 2020. This year Bobby

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Our God is Holy

Leviticus 26:1-12 The book of Leviticus is scripture that we do not quite know what to do with. It is in the Bible and inspired

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The Price of Repentance

Leviticus 6:1-7 One of the great privileges that God has granted, is the personal right to become owners. Early in life we aquire things that

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Holiness and Daily Bread

Leviticus 11:1-8 We started this series by saying that most who read Genesis and Exodus also skip Leviticus, but even those of us who dive

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Introduction to Hebrews

The Sermon on Jesus Our Merciful and Faithful High Priest with Exposition, Exhortations and Warnings (By Geoffrey Ellis and Paul Birston) Of the sixty-six books

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