Wednesday, January 1, 2025 – Matsapha, Eswatini
A new year has begun. We naturally look both forward and back. Looking back on 2024, the words of Paul come to mind. “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies” (2 Cor 4:8-10). Indeed, there were struggles, trials, and discouragements in 2024. But the Lord also granted us some blessings, accomplishments, and encouragement in significant and timely ways.
2024 in review
Volume one of The Climax of God’s Mission was published early in the year. The response from those who have read it has been encouraging. This book was a first for us in several ways. It was the first completely new book we have produced since returning to Africa in 2021. The others were revisions of existing books. This one was completely new. It was also the first of our books to be bound in a cover designed by an African. It was our first of the textbook series covering the New Testament.

We travelled to Zambia in July and August. Thayer held a seminar for the staff of the Namwianga Mission & George Benson Christian University. He also taught a class at Daybreak Mission. During this trip we were also able to meet with some former students and make important new contacts with churches in Zambia. We were pleased to find a church in Lusaka making very good use of God’s Mission Begins (Vol 2).
The year also saw the beginning of a recording ministry which promises good results for the future. Students do not read as they once did. Even Ivy league schools are finding that many of their students have never read a book in their lives. That is not a joke. Many students, even in “First world” countries, do not read books. They listen to podcasts or read the CliffsNotes, but they do not read books. So, we have begun an effort to turn all our books into audio books. We hope that many students will both read and listen. But somehow, we must get this material into people’s heads. Many preachers today know very little Bible. We must broaden their minds somehow. Some of them seem to think that the Bible begins in Matthew 28 and ends in 2 Corinthians 9). The recording work also includes sermons and will soon include evangelistic messages for the unchurched.
But 2024 certainly had its challenges as well.
Thayer’s recovery from the surgery in 2023 has spilled over well into 2024. While the doctors were extremely pleased with his progress in most ways, his digestion has never returned to normal. He must watch his diet more carefully than ever. And he cannot work as many hours per day as he did in the past. The writing of The Climax of God’s Mission (Vol 2) has been slowed.
Stress over our permit has also taken a toll. Our permits expired in December. We applied for new permits in October, but still do not have a response. This is not unusual; but it is frustrating. Enough about last year. There is more to say, but we prefer to focus on what is ahead.
2025 in prospect
As “pensioners” (assuming our permits are approved) we will not be allowed to do anything that might be considered work (“paid or unpaid”). We trust that holding home Bible studies or doing fill-in preaching would not be considered work. But Thayer also plans to cut back on preaching at Timbutini. He has been preaching there almost every Sunday for nearly four years. That will be reduced considerably. With the extra time, we trust, the writing and recording work will progress more quickly.
To assist in the recording work, we have Brother Maseko. The preaching at Timbutini, and the agriculture project, will fall mostly to Brother Mhango. It was a shock to learn that the Mhangos were leaving African Christian College after working there twenty years. But it could be a blessing in disguise.
Thayer has always considered himself a one-ball juggler. Cutting down on the number of tasks will likely help him work more effectively on what remains.
We close by mentioning some of the significant encouragements received in 2024 – many coming right at the end of the year.
We were concerned that two of our major contributors had completed their commitments. We feared that we might not be able to continue living here without their help. In one case, the commitment was not only renewed but increased. In the other case, the congregation involved did drop out, but one member of the congregation chose to cover the amount pledged by the congregation for the needed time. In addition, we learned recently of a $5000 gift from someone in Europe, $2500 from someone not even on our mailing list, and another gift that needs its own paragraph.
Satan often gets us down. He often tells us that our work is in vain. We believe in what we are doing, but sometimes we wonder, “Does anyone else?” There are three retired mission professors on our mailing list. All three write to give us occasional encouragement. Two of the three have given financial support in the past. December 30, as we were thinking about the slow progress on The Climax of God’s Mission and were feeling discouraged about many things, we received word of yet another financial contribution from one of these retired professors. He knows the textbook work we are doing better than anyone, and he thinks it worth supporting.
Yes, 2024 had its difficulties. But overall, it was a year of great blessing.
African Textbook Ministry
%Church of Christ
5130 Flanders Road
Toledo, OH 43623